DEC 14th, 2024
Foothills Mall
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
First, check your junk/spam email box. The email comes from: info+auto@runsignup.com
Log in to your RunSignup account to confirm you are registered.
If any of your information is wrong (name, age, gender, category, email, phone number, etc) Please log into your RunSignUp account and update your information.
If you are already registered with incorrect information please email info@greeneventsco.com to have your information updated.
There is plenty of parking around the Foothills Mall and a parking garage near the start/finish line. All parking at the Foothills Mall is free.
No. There is not a gear check for this race as parking is very close and accessible from the start/finish area.
No. Ugly sweaters are not required to participate in the 5k or kids races.
Yes, you should be wearing an ugly sweater if participating in the Ugly Sweater contest.
The race will run through inclement weather – cold temperatures, snow, rain, wind, etc. Race will only be cancelled for weather if it is determined to be a safety hazard.
All packet pickup info can be found here —> Click here
Yes, you may pickup a friend or family member’s packet during packet pickup. You need to know the first and last name they registered with and their bib #, please have this information available when you request their packet.
Well behaved and leashed dogs are permitted at your own risk.
Leashes: Dogs must be on a 6ft of shorter leash at all times. Retractable leashes are not allowed.
In the race: Please start at the back of the pack and/or stay to the outside of large groups when participating with your dog.
💩 Be awesome and pickup after your dog on the Mall property and along the course and dispose of waste in proper bins. Please do not leave 💩 along the course thinking the race crew will pickup after you. Bring your own bags as there may not be bag stations readily available at the event.
Skate boards, bikes, roller blades, skates, and e-mobility devices are not allowed in the race.
Pushrim wheelchairs are welcomed in the race.
YES! You can walk the race and many people will also be walking!
The race will provide traffic control, police officers for crossings, course marshals and aid station until 10:30 am (or until the last participant passes, whichever comes sooner). Anyone not finishing by this time can choose to continue as a pedestrian following the rules of the road.
This event does not offer Elite entries.
Yes, all kids in the Kid’s race must be registered and have a bib#.
Yes, parents may join their child/children in the kids 1-mile run. Parents do not need to be registered.
No, the kids fun run is not timed and there are not awards in the kids fun run.
YAY! You’re awesome! Stick around for the 5k awards announcements at 10:15 am at the event and collect your award when your name is announced.
No. Awards cannot be picked up before the awards announcement (results must be confirmed before awards are given out). Thank you for your understanding and please don’t pressure volunteers to bend the rules for your schedule.
Awards must be claimed at the event. Due to the nature of the awards for this event, any awards not picked up at the event will not be available for pickup at a later time.